Land acknowledgment
We are located on the traditional territory of the ancestors of Michipicoten First Nations. The Anishinaabe have lived along the shoreline of Lake Superior for thousands of years.
We recognize and honour the Anishinaabe’s deep connection to the land, their rich culture and unwavering resilience. Wawa has been and continues to be shaped by the lives and stories of the Anishinaabe, as is evident in the many Ojibway names of the lakes, rivers and places.
We recognize the history of colonialism and a need for change in settler colonial societies, along with our responsibility to educate ourselves, learn from the past and work towards creating an inclusive, safe, sustainable future that respects all life.
Gros Cap Indian Reserve #49 was established in 1850 when Chief Totomenai of Michipicoten First Nations signed the Robinson - Superior Treaty.
We strive to live as stewards of the land and beings, through cultivating a relationship of gratitude and reciprocity towards the Anishinaabe community and all other beings.
We thank them. Miigwech.